Custom Lighting: Essential not Intimidating

We hear it all the time, ‘I’d love to create my own custom lighting fixtures, but I have no idea where to start.’ And we get it! From colors, to Kelvins, it seems like there are so many details to keep in mind, that it can get a bit daunting.

What stands between essential and intimidating, is the right partner.

LASPEC has been in the business of manufacturing Public Space Custom lighting for almost 40 years. What’s more? We’ve been a proudly American manufacturer, all along. Why? So we can be the local, committed, reliable partner you need, to bring your visions to life.

You’ve got a design concept budding in your mind? Great! Just jot down a sketch and dimensions, and we’ll take care of all the rest.

Don’t let the heavy engineering terms boggle you down, we’ll hold your hand and walk you through, from concept and through completion.

Contact us today to get started on help building your spec, or a quote!


Sustainably Lighting up the World


Custom Lighting, the key to true Supportive Interior Design